Saturday, May 30, 2009

Concept and Research Work

Hello! Its a pleasure to have the opportunity to contribute to this project with you guys. I am very exited for my first post and I hope that you all find it helpful.

Ok! I started with some quick sketches of a raptor like creature after researching some Bobby Flay pictures. I figured that since our raptor is a chef, he could be based off the design of someone like him. I realized that it may not be the style that we were going I did some more research and found something really awesome that could be where we might want to take this piece.

WOOD from mc bess on Vimeo.

This is an awesome video by illustrators McBess and Simon. Along with The Mill helping them out with the 3D portion, they created a wonderfully eerie 1920's style animation. You can check out more work like this at

Im really looking forward to contributing more work and resources. Again, I am really exited to work on this with you guys.

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