Monday, May 25, 2009

Story idea

Okay here's the story I came up with. I kinda like the airplane idea that one of u guys suggested. So if anyone can post the story up that would be great

Basic Concept: People are way to busy to notice their surroundings and loses the meaning in their lives.

We have this ghost(i'm thinking sock puppet cute ghost) and he runs around around the city trying to scare people, but no one notices him. People either are A. talking on their cellphones, b. robbing a bank, c. jay walking on the street. etc (kinda like steve hannagans piece) The ghost does all these weird expressions trying to get noticed ( good for animators) but no one does. Discouraged the ghost flys away and decides to sit on a park bench in park. Then a kid (he's on one of those leashes things) comes to ghost and says "helloo" The ghost jumps back alittle not knowing wat to do. The mom (who's out of frame) tells the kid to come on and drags the kid out of frame, Leaving the ghost and the parkbench in frame and fades to black.

Excuse my 5 secs drawings but

Animation style: Pocoyo!!!


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