Thursday, May 28, 2009

storyboard idea

(9:41:11 PM): we could have a cute little raptor that tries to steal eggs from nests so he could make an omelette
(9:41:38 PM): a cooking raptor, who ran out of a rare kind of egg, so he has to go into the den of a trex
(9:41:57 PM): and he's gets the egg, and has this whole chase sequence with this egg twice his size,
(9:42:07 PM): as a giant trex chases him down
(9:42:44 PM): and then he finally gets back to his, place, and the egg hatchs, and the baby trex eats his head off >>
(9:42:49 PM): not litterally , but >> yea
(9:42:54 PM): in a cute manner >>
an egg twice his size is the money shot
or it could be like 'MOMMY!"

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